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Accessing a Storage

Storages can be accessed using the StorageHolder#manasCore$getStorageOptional method and your StorageKey instance you get when registering a storage.


Modifying Data

To modify data inside of a storage you can just mutate the storage instance you get from the StorageHolder#manasCore$getStorageOptional method.

It is recommended to create a getter and setter method for each field you want to modify within your storage to ensure that changes mark the storage as dirty:

entity.manasCore$getStorageOptional(STORAGE_KEY).ifPresent(storage -> {

It is also possible to directly modify the storage data without using a setter method, but you have to call markDirty manually to ensure that the storage is marked as dirty:

entity.manasCore$getStorageOptional(STORAGE_KEY).ifPresent(storage -> {
storage.exampleInt = 420;